Historical Data
Macrohistory: Multicountry annual macroeconomic data set for 17 countries starting in the late 19th century. Maintained by the Macrohistory Lab Bonn
IISH: List of links to price and wage data covering many countries and episodes.
EH.net: Database of the Economic History Association making available data sets from economic historians. Covers mostly US and UK.
GPIH: Global Price and Income History Group of the UC Davis. Wordlwide data before 1950.
David S. Jacks: Trade and commodity price data for various countries starting in the 18th century.
United States
Historical Statistics of the United States (HSUS): Extensive macroeconomic and social data for the US starting in the 18th century. Downloads are gated.
FRASER: Archive of historical documents for the US. "FRASER’s mission is to safeguard and provide easy access to economic history—particularly the history of the Federal Reserve System."
NBER Macrohistory: Historical database of the NBER covering many aspects of the pre-WWI and interwar economy. Some coverage of the UK, France and Germany. Also available on FRED.
MeasuringWorth: GDP, price and wage data for the US. Linked series starting in the 18th century and updated with modern data. Series are spliced from various sources and subject to a referee process. Free use upon request.
United Kingdom
A Millenium of Macroeconomic Data: Macroeconomic data compiled by the Bank of England from various sources. Series are spliced from various sources and regularly updated with modern data.
Gregory Clark: Income, wages and prices for England starting in medieval times.
Historical Monetary Statistics for Norway: Macroeconomic data maintained by Norges Bank starting in the early 19th century.
Historical Monetary Statistics of Sweden: Macroeconomic data maintained by the Riksbank partly ranging back to the 13th century.
Historical Statistics of Switzerland Online (HSSO): Historical statistics for Switzerland (and Cantons) starting in the 19th century maintained by the University of Zurich.
Modern Data
OECD: Data on all aspects of the economy for OECD countried. stats.oecd.org contains possibility to generate large cross-country data sets. data.oecd.org features less data but charting capabilities. OECD MEI data can also be accessed via FRED (see below).
IMF: Macroeconomic data from the IMF. Good coverage of aspects of the international economy.
United States
St. Louis Fed: Data collection covering all aspects of the US economy. Vast possibilities of on-site data transformation and charting. In addition, easy access to OECD MEI. ALFRED is the St. Louis Fed real-time vintage data collection.
Philadelphia Fed: Real-time data center assembling data and forecasts from the Greenbok, the Survey of Professional Forecasters and the Livingston Survey forecasts of economists, and much more...
dataseries.org: The Swiss FRED.
Swiss National Bank: Macroeconomic statistics from the Swiss central bank.