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Historical Data


Macrohistory: Multicountry annual macroeconomic data set for 17 countries starting in the late 19th century. Maintained by the Macrohistory Lab Bonn


IISH: List of links to price and wage data covering many countries and episodes. 

[link] Database of the Economic History Association making available data sets from economic historians. Covers mostly US and UK.


GPIH: Global Price and Income History Group of the UC Davis. Wordlwide data before 1950.


David S. Jacks: Trade and commodity price data for various countries starting in the 18th century.


United States

Historical Statistics of the United States (HSUS): Extensive macroeconomic and social data for the US starting in the 18th century. Downloads are gated.


FRASER: Archive of historical documents for the US. "FRASER’s mission is to safeguard and provide easy access to economic history—particularly the history of the Federal Reserve System."


NBER Macrohistory: Historical database of the NBER covering many aspects of the pre-WWI and interwar economy. Some coverage of the UK, France and Germany. Also available on FRED.

[link, FRED]

MeasuringWorth: GDP, price and wage data for the US. Linked series starting in the 18th century and updated with modern data. Series are spliced from various sources and subject to a referee process. Free use upon request.


United Kingdom

A Millenium of Macroeconomic Data: Macroeconomic data compiled by the Bank of England from various sources. Series are spliced from various sources and regularly updated with modern data.


Gregory Clark: Income, wages and prices for England starting in medieval times.



Historical Monetary Statistics for Norway: Macroeconomic data maintained by Norges Bank starting in the early 19th century.


Historical Monetary Statistics of Sweden: Macroeconomic data maintained by the Riksbank partly ranging back to the 13th century.



Historical Statistics of Switzerland Online (HSSO): Historical statistics for Switzerland (and Cantons) starting in the 19th century maintained by the University of Zurich.


Modern Data


OECD: Data on all aspects of the economy for OECD countried. contains possibility to generate large cross-country data sets. features less data but charting capabilities. OECD MEI data can also be accessed via FRED (see below).


IMF: Macroeconomic data from the IMF. Good coverage of aspects of the international economy.


United States

St. Louis Fed: Data collection covering all aspects of the US economy. Vast possibilities of on-site data transformation and charting. In addition, easy access to OECD MEI. ALFRED is the St. Louis Fed real-time vintage data collection.


Philadelphia Fed: Real-time data center assembling data and forecasts from the Greenbok, the Survey of Professional Forecasters and the Livingston Survey forecasts of economists, and much more... 


Switzerland The Swiss FRED.


Swiss National Bank: Macroeconomic statistics from the Swiss central bank.


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