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Uni Neuchâtel

Master and bachelor theses

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Applied Macroeconometrics, master level (since 2022)


International Finance and Macroeconomics, master level (since 2023)


Macroéconomie intermédiaire, bachelor level (since 2022)


International Finance, bachelor level (since 2018)


Macroéconomie 2, bachelor level (2018-2021)


Macroeconomic Policy, master level (2017-2021)


Graduate Institute Geneva

International Finance, master level (2022)

ETH Zurich

Monetary Policy, master level (2015-2016)

with Jan-Egbert Sturm

Uni Bern

Forecasting in Economics, master level ​(2015-2016)

Shorter courses and guest lectures

Inflation Forecasting and Monetary Policy, guest lecture at Study Center Gerzensee
jointly with Swiss National Bank (2018-2023)


Macroeconomic Forecasting,  guest lecture at Study Center Gerzensee

with Massimiliano Marcellino and Barbara Rossi, (2017-2023)


Monetary policy, guest lecture in the course Introduction in Economic Policy at ETH Zurich

with Heiner Mikosch (2017)


Monetary policy, guest lecture in the course Principles of Macroeconomics at ETH Zurich

with Jan-Egbert Sturm (2016)


Nonconventional monetary policy, guest lecture at University of Notre Dame

with Christiane Baumeister (2016)


Inflation forecasts at the zero lower bound, guest lecture at Study Center Gerzensee (2014)


Combining disaggregate forecasts for inflation, guest lecture at Study Center Gerzensee (2012)

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